This time Jelnsky spoke of the release of Crimea, Jelnsky

This time Jelnsky spoke of the release of Crimea, Jelnsky

 #Ukraine President Volodimir Zensky

 Ukraine President Volodimir Zensky says the Ukraine war has begun through Crimea and the war will end with the release of Crimea.

A large number of explosions occurred on Tuesday at a Russian -occupied Crimea air base. It killed a civilian. Jensky made the remarks shortly after the explosion. The British media reported the news on Wednesday.
Zelnsky did not mention the explosion. However, he talked a lot about the Crimea Peninsula last night. "Crimea is Ukraine and we will not leave it," he said.Russia is not so high on the explosion. They say the blast has been exploded at the place of ammunition. However, it was not due to any attacks and the damage was not done. On the other hand, a top Ukraine adviser denied the blast.

Crimea is part of Ukraine in paper pen. But after a referendum in the 21st, Russia occupied the peninsula. However, the international community considers the referendum as illegal. Many Ukrainians believe that the war with Russia has begun with the occupation of Crimea.Zelnsky said that yesterday. "We will not forget that the Russian war against Ukraine began with the occupation of Crimea," he said. This Russian war… begins through Crimea and of course the release of Crimea will end.

The latest comment in Zensky indicates that he believes that Ukraine will be able to reconcile Crimea before the Ukraine war ends. However, in the past he spoke differently on this issue.He has hinted in the past that Ukraine may accept peace if Russia returns to pre-February 24 status quo. That is, their claim to take possession of Crimea again will not be considered.

Several explosions occurred near the Novofedorivka Saki military base in western Crimea on Tuesday. Close to the beach, this area is very popular with Russian tourists. In a video circulating on social media, beachgoers were seen running as the blast erupted.Eyewitnesses say they heard at least 12 explosions. Russia's health department said in Crimea that a civilian citizen was killed and eight were injured in the explosion.Thanks for staying with Toptime
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